The Love Theorist
The Love Theorist
A love ethic is premised on nonviolence

A love ethic is premised on nonviolence

How to address violence of all kinds against all kinds

This is a reading of Chapter 6 entitled - ‘Nonviolence’ - from my new book, Broken-heartedness: Towards love in professional practice. It stands as a testimony to the power of love and shows how love and nonviolence can be drawn upon to address violence of all kinds. Nonviolence first and foremost is about not being violent, which requires a critical analysis of how power is used. As I have argued in the earlier chapter on violence, harm can be hidden in contexts where people believe they are being helpful and caring. This is one of the hardest type of harm to recognise.

Nonviolence is explored and shown to be a range of peaceful, proactive ways of being in the world that consciously resist and challenge violence.

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The Love Theorist
The Love Theorist
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